Magnify Your Audience and Monetize Your Message

Build and Launch Your Mini-Course

  Whether you're new to health coaching or have been looking for ways to take your coaching business to the next level, Mini-Course Mastery walks you step-by-step through the basics of getting your course out of your head and into a framework you can sell and scale!

What is Mini-Course Mastery?

Mini-Course Mastery is a shortcut to launching a profitable online course without spending months researching. We use a 3-step framework that simplifies the course creation process and guides you from conception to completion and launch based on solid business principles!

This 3 Step Framework Includes:


Get your course out of your head and into a consumable format that connects with your target audience.

(this is where most people get stuck!)


Organize your curriculum, record it and decide where, when, and how you will deliver it!


Learn the 5-step process to marketing and selling your course before you launch, so people are waiting to buy!

It's time (finally) finish your online course!

Creating an online course can be done in an infinite amount of ways but that's exactly what makes it difficult.

You already have a desire to help people and lots of passion - but you keep staring at your computer screen trying to get your idea from your brain and into a platform that your clients can use.

You want to teach and talk about this subject but it feels so big!

What happens next? You give up, invalidate yourself and start over working on another course idea, hoping that this is THE ONE, only to run into the same problem.


But it doesn't have to be this way. You can create an online course without feeling like pulling your hair out at every step of the process—and you can even make it profitable the first time around.


You just need to know where you're going and the steps to get there, and have the support you need to make sure you don't get trapped overthinking using someone else's system. 

Mini-course mastery is a blueprint not a pair shackles. This isn't another "do as I'm doing" experience. It is a guideline that meets you where you are, helps you utilize the fundamental principles that create success without having to do it exactly how I did it.

So, what's in the program?

I'm glad you asked! This program will teach you the basic steps you need to take to begin making money with your message, including:

  • How to use your knowledge to create an engaging product that people will want to buy

  • How to plan, design, and build a mini-course that makes sense for your specific audience

  • How to test your idea before you create (to avoid wasting time and money on something that won't sell!)

  • How to pre-sell, launch, market, and scale your course effectively

  • How to use social media to magnetize your clients and prepare them to buy your online course

Here's a peek inside the course!

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3


Mini-Course Mastery Also Includes the 3 Day Business Builder Blueprint!

 Use these digital and video guides, to manage your time, show up for your audience, and launch your live mini-course!

Money Maker's Guide to Time

($27 Value)

There's so much to do in business, how do you know where you should focus?! This guide shows you 9 places to spend your time to build your business without wasting your time.

Social Media Boost Kit

($47 Value)

From content idea to structuring and scheduling your content, you'll never feel overwhelmed by social media again!

Includes 3 worksheets and a video training!

Organic Launch

Mastery Guide

($397 Value)

Learn Relationship Marketing Methods to Get Clients Without Paid Ads

I'm ready to get started!

Click below to apply to work with Kayla inside Mini-Course Mastery!

 © Kayla Moline Consulting 2022
All files are protected under copyright law and cannot be used for any commercial purpose including resale or duplication.

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